

A long Autograph Letter Signed, to “Monsieur et cher confrere”, about his correspondent’s book, with much discussion about antiquities, “le beau sol d l’Italie”, engraved illustrations, etc. In French. 4 pp. 9 x 7 inches, fine. Paris, 27 April 1808. Aubin-Louis Millin de Grandmaison (1759-1818), antiquary, naturalist and author. He was known for the many articles he published on Greek vases. In 1806, appeared his Dictionnaire des Beaux-Arts. From 1807 to 1811, appeared the four volumes of his Voyage dans les départemens du Midi de la France, accompanied by an atlas. In 1811 he travelled in Italy and Sicily, and afterwards published designs of the mosaic paving in the cathedrals of Apulia. He translated many accounts of voyages.